About CAIT

Need for CAIT

Appraisal of post independent situation of India, in particular with regard to plight of traders, revealed that their problems in a broad way were attributed to the following factors:
Trading activity was governed by manifold Acts, Bye-Laws and Regulations enacted by the Central Govt., State Govt. & Local Bodies
Some of the Acts which were formulated by the British Govt. and which have been rendered outdated in the face of prevailing ground realities, continue to be enforced
Intricacies of laws appreciation of which is beyond capacity of a Trader of average knowledge, particularly self employed Trader because of constraints, means and limitations
Difficulty in seeking redressel of genuine grievances because of lack of strong lobby of Traders
Lethargic attitude of the govt. in recognizing vital role being played by Trading community in the field of economy of our Country. Besides notable contribution at the time of any natural crises and various philanthropic activities related to welfare of people

How CAIT was formed

Inspired by the advice and vision of our late Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, few dedicated Traders in 1990 mooted an idea to constitute a Forum to handle problems of Traders and render effective service to them. Consequently during long span of all these CAIT has attained status of an Apex Body of Trading Community of India at National Level. Impressed by modalities of function of CAIT, the Traders across the Country extended excellent support to the extent that the CAIT in Delhi spread its wings all over the Country & operating its activities from its National Headquarter, “Vyapar Bhawan” at New Delhi Which is well equipped with needy infrastructure.

Our Mission

The mission for the Confederation of all India Traders is as follows:
To render best possible assistance to Trading Community.
To communicate with Administrators concerned to seek redress of legitimate grievances of Traders.
To impart education to Traders to upgrade their performance to render most satisfactory service to consumers by adhering to fair trading policy.
To lend full cooperation to the Govt. in streamlining existing system.
To organize Seminars, Conference and lectures etc. for imparting latest knowledge to traders about core issues concerning trading community.
To lay down code of conduct for Traders to pursue business activity based on integrity, fair play and render satisfactory service to consumers.
To render effective service to Traders, Units of CAIT have been setup in almost all the states and regular coordination is being maintained with them.
To adopt digitalisation, computerisation, adoption & acceptance of digital payments and other significant digital technology in existing business format of domestic trade of India.
To create an Indian E-Commerce Portal promoting Indian Goods.
To bring traders of the Country on E commerce platform for adoption as an additional business avenue.

Our Vision

To bring glory of Indian Traders in main stream of economy and nation and to create a business friendly environment in the Country beside upgrading and modernising existing format of retail trade and development of skills of the traders in India.

Role of CAIT

It is matter of an immense satisfaction that the CAIT has played very important role, particularly in respect of the following issues:

Replacement of Sales Tax by introduction of Value Added Tax system
Process of Goods & Services Tax (GST) in India
Direct Tax Code in the Country
Formulation of rules for Carriage by Road Act
FDI in Retail Trade
Development of Internal Trade in systematic manner
Formulation of Master Plan in Delhi
Sealing Drive of Business Establishments launched by Local Authorities
Memorandums to Union & State Govts. to simplify Act, Rules and Procedures on various subjects from time to time

Services by us

Retail School: A project to motivate traders to upgrade & modernize their business by adopting latest communication & other skills.
Free Advisory Clinic providing advice on various subjects by renowned experts of different fields.

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