Membership Form

Note: Annual Membership Fee: ₹ 200 + 18% GST = ₹ 236

Established in 1990 to unite and protect the interests of India’s trading community.

The trading community encompasses traders, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), self-employed individuals, women entrepreneurs, and professionals. Together, these groups form a significant part of the non-corporate sector, consisting of over 90 million people (excluding farmers) and providing employment to more than 200 million individuals across India.


1. Promote Trade and Commerce: Serve as a central body for the development of trade and commerce in India. Support traders, SMEs, and other sectors by helping them access both domestic and global markets for their products.

2. Engage with Governments: Facilitate ongoing dialogue with the Union and State Governments, as well as autonomous bodies, to advocate for policies that create a favorable business environment and contribute to the growth of the Indian economy.

3. Advocate for Traders: Raise a strong and unified voice on issues related to trade and commerce to protect the interests of the trading community.

4. Uphold the Dignity of Traders: Reinforce the recognition of traders for their significant contributions to the national economy, including their role in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives across the country.


1. Regular updates on government policies, acts, and regulations related to trade and commerce.

2. Information on government schemes and initiatives that promote trade and economic growth.

3. Timely communication via emails, SMS, and printed materials on trade-related developments.

4. Guidance and support in resolving issues that affect trade and commerce.

5. Membership Certificate.

6. Exclusive access to a nationwide network of trade associations.

7. A platform to address trade-related issues with the Union Government, with possible support for local trade associations in dealing with state-level matters.

8. Complimentary subscription to the CAIT News Magazine.

9. Assistance available nationwide for trade-related concerns.

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